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Simple Ways to Save the Earth, Starting in Your Kitchen

Monterey Bay in Capitola
Earth Day calls on all of us to help today.

54th Annual Earth Day

We've been celebrating Earth Day for over 50 years and while we've made improvements like reducing asbestos and DDT, we've also learned the harsh realities of fossil fuels and climate change.

Saving the planet can seem like an overwhelming problem much too big for any individual to tackle, but you can do one small thing today that can help the planet.

Here are simple ways to save the Earth. There are seven ideas, and if you choose only one, you can make a difference this Earth Day.

Simple Ways to Save the Earth:

#1. Reduce food waste.

According to the EPA, food waste has increased 217% since 1970 when Earth Day began (2) and has jumped higher since the COVID-19 pandemic. We all need to do what we can to prevent food from being thrown out.

freeze vegetables to prevent food waste
Freeze fruits and vegetables to use in stocks, smoothies, baked goods, and casseroles.

If you're stocking up on fresh fruits and veggies, but finding they're going bad before you can eat them all, you can:

#2. Go meatless tonight & once a week for the rest of the year.

Walnut Butter Fruit Tacos
Try a meatless lunch like Walnut Butter Fruit Tacos to reduce your carbon footprint.

The statistics on the methane produced by cattle, water used to produce a burger, and fossil fuels used to transport meat are staggering. (1)

Choosing to forego meat one day a week makes a big difference in the demand for meat, and ultimately reduces the environmental consequences to supply the beef on your plate. You can use the BBC's food calculator to see your diet's carbon footprint.

What to eat instead?

Try a fruit and nut-based lunch like Walnut Butter Fruit Tacos and vegetable-focused dinner like Pad Thai tonight.

#3. Conserve Water and Fuel.

bike and sneakers
Bike or walk when you can to reduce carbon emissions.

Turn off the water when you're soaping up your dishes, lathering your hands, and brushing your teeth.

If boiling food for dinner such as rice or pasta, place a stainless-steel steam pot or colander with vegetables on top so you can conserve water and energy by using only one pot of water and one stove burner.

  • You can kill two birds with one stone by cooking your veggie and starch at the same time.

  • Bike or walk when you can.

  • If you have to drive a gas-powered vehicle, limit your heat and a/c use to increase fuel efficiency.

#4. Consider packaging.

reusable grocery bag
Reusable bags decrease oils, plastics, fossil fuels, and waste in our landfills and oceans.

The above video is discouraging to learn that plastic isn't getting recycled as we're told.

However, we can make a difference when it comes to reducing the plastic that ends up in the ocean.

Make it a point to keep reusable bags in your vehicle so there's no excuse about forgetting them when you arrive at the store. This eliminates plastic waste- both on the manufacturing side that requires oils and other resources to make and transport the bags- as well as the consumer end by keeping bags out of landfills and oceans.

If you're only buying one or two produce items, avoid putting the produce in a plastic bag. Keep them loose in your cart or use a reusable mesh bag.

Consider items that come in packages that are hard on the environment. For instance, instead of buying eggs that come in Styrofoam, make it a point to buy eggs in cardboard cartons.

#5. Unplug.

Unplugging appliances can save energy & money.

If you're not using your appliances, unplug your toaster, blender, TV, and other appliances to save energy. This also can save money on your electric bill each month.

#6. Use your own mug.

coffee thermos
Bringing your own thermos to the café can reduce the amount of resources needed to produce paper cups.

When grabbing a coffee or tea at your local café, bring your own mug or thermos.

Although the paper cups used at cafes today are recyclable, the less paper cups that need to be manufactured, the better for the earth.

Where I live in California, there's actually a $0.25 fee for cups added on to the cost of (already expensive) tea and coffee. This adds up over the course of the year. By bringing my own mug, I not only save the planet, I also save money.

As California often leads the nation in regulations, this fee may be expected in a city near you soon.

#7. Carry a BPA-free water bottle.

use a bpa-free reusable water bottle

Similar to bringing a thermos or mug to the café, consider bringing a BPA-free water bottle everywhere you go.

One of the worst consumer environmental offenses is plastic water bottle waste. Petroleum and other chemicals are required to make the plastic bottles. We now know the BPA and microplastics are harmful to both humans and the earth. Beyond that, despite being recyclable, most plastic water bottles end up in the ocean.

By using a filtered water (if necessary) in a safe water bottle, water can be enjoyed without health or environmental consequences. Refilling the water bottle at work, public places, airports, or even amusement parks and movie theaters can make a huge difference.

It can also encourage healthy habits. By drinking more water and less soft drinks, health benefits may include less cravings, weight loss, more controlled blood sugars, lower blood pressure, reduced risk of diabetes and heart disease, less headaches, clearer skin, and more regular bowel movements.

Drinking more water from reusable BPA-free water bottles is a no brainer.

Which of these actions will you take today? Leave a comment below.


(1) Stylianou, N., Guibourg, C., & Briggs, H. (Aug. 9, 2019). Climate change food calculator: What's your diet's carbon footprint? BBC News.

(2) Environmental Protection Agency. Facts and Figures about Materials, Waste and Recycling.


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This article offers practical, everyday tips for living more sustainably. It’s a great reminder that small actions can make a big difference. ztec100 provides more ideas on eco-friendly living.


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