Colleen Woods, MS, RDN, CLC

May 12, 20233 min

Low Fodmap Fruits and Veggies for IBS

People with IBS can tolerate low FODMAP fruits better.

I have IBS and may want to try a low FODMAP diet. What fruits and veggies will I be able to eat?

FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharide Disaccharide Monosaccharide and Polyols. These are short-chain sugars that the small intestine poorly absorbs. [1]

While FODMAP foods provide many healthful benefits, some people with IBS have trouble tolerating them, resulting in uncomfortable symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, (or both), gas, bloating, or cramps. [1,2,3, 4]

In fact, so many people have trouble with these sugars, a low FODMAP diet, courses, and apps have been dedicated to helping people avoid these foods.

Low FODMAP Foods

Below is a list of fruits and vegetables considered low FODMAP.[5] Everyone is different and you may be able to tolerate fruits and vegetables not on this list. If so, feel free to keep them in your diet or talk to a Registered Dietitian about customizing your diet. The less restrictive your eating habits, the better.

This list is set-up to help you choose fruits and vegetables of each color at the market or grocery store each week. The goal is to eat the rainbow of colors throughout the week, aiming for 2 servings of fruits per day (2 whole fruits or 1 cup of berries/grapes) and 3 servings of vegetables (2-3 medium carrots, 1 cup of cooked or raw chopped vegetables, or 2 cups of lettuce).

Low FODMAP Fruits and Veggies By Color


Raspberries are a low FODMAP fruit.
  • Red: tomatoes, strawberries, red grapes, raspberries, red bell pepper, radishes, radicchio lettuce


Citrus fruits are low FODMAP.
  • Orange & Yellow: oranges, lemons, pineapple, cantaloupe, fresh papaya (not dried), tangerines, passion fruit, carrots, rutabaga, sweet potato (up to 2/3 cup), butternut squash/pumpkin (up to 1/2 cup), orange or yellow peppers, under-ripe banana


Most green fruits and veggies are low in FODMAPs. .
  • Green: arugula, spinach, lettuce, cucumber, broccoli, celery, cabbage (not fermented as kimchi or sauerkraut), bok choy, zucchini, green beans, canned peas (up to 1/2 cup), okra, scallion tops, chives, green grapes, kiwi, green bell pepper


Enjoy blueberries without GI distress.
  • Black & Blue: blueberries, purple/black grapes, purple potatoes, black olives, eggplant


Potatoes are a veggie low in FODMAP sugars.
  • White & Brown: under-ripe banana, potatoes, turnips, parsnips, oyster mushrooms

High FODMAP Fruits and Veggies

Typically, dried fruits don't make the list of low FODMAP fruits because of their fructans. Other high FODMAP fruits and veggies are a problem due to their excess fructose or polyols.

High FODMAP fruits and veggies that many people with IBS want to avoid include:

Figs & dried fruits are high in fructose and fructans and can cause GI distress for people with IBS.
  • apples

  • apricots

  • artichoke

  • asparagus

  • blackberries

  • boysenberries

  • cauliflower

  • dried fruits

  • figs

  • garlic

  • mango

  • mushrooms

  • nectarine

  • onions

  • peaches

  • pears

  • persimmons

  • plums

  • sugar snap peas

  • watermelon

There are some fruits and veggies not listed because they may be tolerated in small amounts or prepared in a certain way.

For more information or to customize your diet for IBS, work with a Registered Dietitian. Schedule your free virtual consultation with ZEST Nutrition online at:


[1] Galon Valoso, H. (2021). FODMAP Diet: What you need to know. Johns Hopkins Medicine.

[2] Monash University. Functional bowel disorders and IBS. Preview of Module 1. [Online course]. Monash University.

[3] Shepherd, S. J., Parker, F. C., Muir, J. G., & Gibson, P. R. (2008). Dietary triggers of abdominal symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: Randomized placebo-controlled evidence. Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology: The Official Clinical Practice Journal of the American Gastroenterological Association, 6(7), 765–771.

[4] Eswaran, S., Tack, J., & Chey, W. D. (2011). Food: the forgotten factor in the irritable bowel syndrome. Gastroenterology Clinics of North America, 40(1), 141–162.

[5] Low FODMAP Diet A to Z. (2021). [App].
